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S.H.E - Safety, Health and Environment

The most important aspect of any project, - a safe day, a safe week, a safe month, a safe year, a serious accident will put everything else in perspective for the person/s and the families involved, nothing is more important, working safely has a knock on effect, it teaches respect, work ethic and quality, none of these philosophies work properly without the other. We believe that as a company we embody these philosophies with our genuine commitment, investment and sheer hard work in ensuring that all our operatives, from the day one manual assistant to the long serving site manager, put safety first, above all else.

Senior Management regards the promotion of health, safety and welfare of its employees, visitors and members of the public as a mutual objective for all our employees.

Foster Construction Services Ltd believes that health and safety ranks equally with all other management responsibilities. It is therefore this company’s policy to do all that is “reasonably practicable” to mitigate the risk of injury, ill health and /or damage and to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Foster Construction Services Ltd commits itself to achieving full compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation as a minimum, along with a continuing improvement in standards.








The company shall:-

  • Provide & maintain safe working conditions and methods of work

  • Provide appropriate training, instructions, information and supervision relating to all work activities

  • Consult, inform and involve employees, either directly or via their representatives, in matters of health and safety whenever possible


In turn employees have a duty to co-operate in the spirit and operation of this policy by:-

  • Working safely in accordance with relevant procedures and systems

  • Reporting accidents and near misses

  • Co-operate in all matters relating to health and safety


We employ H.A.S.C.A.T. Ltd (Health and Safety Consultation and Training Ltd) as our S.H.E consultants. As well as site inspections and updates ect they also carry out seminars at our offices for all operatives and staff on an annual basis (most recently September 2013).

H.A.S.CA.T Ltd - Health And Safety Consultation And Training Ltd




Foster Construction recognises that business and the environment are inextricably linked. It is therefore a primary concern of Foster Construction Services Ltd to protect the environment as an integral part of its business plans, by meeting the needs of today without compromising the future economic, social or environmental needs of society. Therefore it is our Policy to initiate good environmental working practices amongst all of our staff.

To this end we will:

  • Ensure compliance with all environmental legislation, co-operating fully with relevant statutory bodies. In addition, we will endeavour to minimise our environmental impacts beyond what is legally required

  • Minimise waste and the consumption of resources (materials, fuel, water and energy)

  • Integrate the environmental management system within existing business management systems to identify areas of impact on the environment and to set objectives to minimise these impacts

  • Ensure all waste generated is, where possible, re-used, re-cycled or disposed of in the appropriate manner using certified disposal routes

  • Ensure our systems are continually reviewed and improvements made



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